Thursday, May 31, 2012

ready, set, run!

People, I have started running!

This means multiple runs each week and a long run on the weekend. Team In Training has a group run each weekend for our long runs. For those of you who are sane (i.e. not runners), long runs are the longest distance that a trainee will run each week. The runs start off at a low distance and increase by one mile each week. For example, last week I ran four miles, this week I will run five and so on and so forth.

I am so thankful for the group runs. Running long distances by yourself can be really boring. Running with others can make the distance seem not as long and it’s great to have a group of runners to rely on for motivation.

Speaking of motivation…You know what else is motivational? You! I’m just getting started and the support that I have received already is so amazing that it’s overwhelming in the best possible way. I feel so loved!

Two days ago a dear friend of mine surprised me when she announced that she purchased a flight to San Francisco so she can cheer me on as I run my first marathon. The marathon is in October. That's four and a half months away and she already bought her flight! Her faith in my abilities runs so deep that she simply refuses to acknowledge the possibility of failure. 

Furthermore, another good friend of mine recently said to me "JJ, this is important to you, so it's important to me." Wow. How did I become so lucky to have so many amazing people in my life?

Thank you to those who have donated already and a major shout out to my Uncle Danny who made a VERY generous donation. I am already close to reaching 10% of my goal - just from donations alone! You guys rock! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

the four-one-one

I just signed up to run my first full marathon. This is the big leagues people. The half marathons that I’ve run do not compare. Marathoners lose toe nails and chafe in very uncomfortable places from running insane distances.

So why would I willingly put myself through this torture? Short answer: for charity.

When I was in high school my dad was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Although the cancer was caught in the early stages things looked grim. The chemo was hard on his body and his kidney’s shut down. We were told that it was unlikely that his kidneys would work again on their own and that he would have to stay on dialysis for the rest of his life. Then we were told about a new therapy drug that had a high success rate and was easier on the body. Within three months his kidney’s started working again and he was showing great improvement. I can still remember the doctors telling us that the cancer was gone and that he was in remission. After the five year mark of no returning symptoms, the doctors announced that he was cured! It had been a long battle but my dad was triumphant in his fight.

Four and a half years ago my dad passed away from complications due to diabetes. Although his life was cut short, it could have been much shorter. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has taken great strides to find a cure and because of this my family and I were given more time with my dad.

In memory of my dad, I will be running the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco in October and will be raising money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) with Team In Training. The organization is the world's largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer. LLS funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world and provides free information and support services.

I am so excited be a part of this. I have always said that if I were ever to run a full marathon that I would raise $10,000 for a charity that is important to me – so here I go! I understand that my goal is high but I’m shooting for the stars.

Join me as I embark on my journey to fight cancer one step at a time. If you can donate, please do. Any donation, as little as it may be, helps. If you cannot donate, please help by spreading the word. Post the link to my fundraising page on your Facebook, send it to anyone who you think would like to donate or join me at one of my fundraisers. Vist my fundraising page at:

Be sure to check back frequently because I will be posting updates on my training, fundraising and future events.

Thank you for your support! We’re one step closer to finding a cure.

This is for you, daddy <3