Wednesday, October 10, 2012

the cans finale

Cans for Cancer has wrapped up folks. Thank you to everyone who participated!

We had over 200 pounds of cans which equated $133.90. PJ Greco & Sons will be matching that amount. Jenn saved $30 worth of cans and T received $40 for her bottle collection. The overall total from the fundraiser was $337.80! 

Woot woot that's $337.80 for your trash!

A thank you is in order for Mr. Chin for allowing me to borrow his van to take the cans in and to Greg who helped me take them in (although I'm fairly certain that he only did it because he wanted to meet my mom but I digress).

Check out the pictures:

first load of cans

the van was packed!

no pictures, please!

Monday, October 8, 2012

flea market madness

I wish I would have thought to take a picture of all the items that were donated - it was unreal. I am so grateful to have roommates that have been very tolerant of my fundraising antics. First it was the refrigerator jam packed with jello shots, then a living room that was cluttered with misc. items for weeks.... 

Thank you to everyone who donated items for the fundraiser. I had to make two trips to the flea market due to the mass amounts of items that were donated! I owe a major thank you to Julie and Greg for waking up at 5 AM and making the trip with me to sell the items.

After two trips to the flea market, a stop at Plato’s Closet and a stop at Half Price books we raised $305.50!


first trip

second trip