Monday, August 13, 2012

bad news bears

I started writing this post last week to share all of the exciting things that were happening - I recommitted to the marathon, booked my flights and broke $5,000!! Things were going great and the stars were aligning in my favor. That was until last Thursday.

Last Thursday was the Championship game for my volleyball league. We were in the final game when I rolled my foot, hard. I was hoping that it was just a bad sprain but the doctor confirmed my fear at the hospital - it was a small break, but it was a break.

I broke my foot.

Naturally, I would break my foot just days after booking my flights and submitting my recommitment paperwork. UGH.

I have never broken a bone in my life and I break one TWO MONTHS before my first full marathon. I'm stuck with crutches for 2-3 weeks and my expected recovery time is 6-8 weeks.

Unfortunately, that means that I will not be running the Nike Women's Marathon this year. I have traded in my running shoes for a boot and some less than fancy crutches.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't upset because I am. I have dedicated the last three months to fundraising and training for the race and now I can't run it. Simply put: it sucks. But, on the bright side I can still fundraise and I'm going to do everything that I can to reach my goal of $10,000.

Thank you for your continued support.

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