Thursday, August 30, 2012

junk sale

People, I want your junk!

I’m collecting items to sell at the local flea market. I will take anything that will sell - clothing, books, DVD’s, furniture, dishes, old electronics, stuffed animals, Bill Cosby sweaters, that fish tank that you’ve been using as a book case.

Items must be in sellable condition and safe (please do not give me your old toaster that sparks if you put bread in the left slot).

(Cosby Sweaters = good donation)

(items that may cause harm = bad donation)

Here’s your chance to get rid of that old junk that has been collecting dust in your house. Trust me – you won’t miss it. If you have less junk you will have to dust less and come on, who likes to dust?

I will be collecting items until September 14th. If you would like to donate please let me know and we’ll make the necessary arrangements for pick up. Anything that does not sell will be donated to the Goodwill.  

As always, all proceeds will benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

To donate or for more information please email:

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