Tuesday, June 26, 2012

for the love of wine

The wine event was a great success!

A HUGE thank you to Jessica and Matthew! Not only did they organize the event, they graciously donated the food and some bottles of wine. Together they created a wonderful four course meal paired with the perfect wines. While Jessica presented each wine describing it's origin, Matthew prepared the courses (each with a unique blend of tastes) and described each pairing. Together they make the perfect team! If you ever need an event put together, they're the people for the job. 

Another BIG thank you goes to Ryta from The Naked Grape. She kindly allowed us to use her restaurant, discounted the wine and also donated  the final course - filet mignon (which was unbelievable)! 

Thank you to Bobby and Liz for helping out with the event. It was greatly appreciated! And thank you to everyone who joined us. It was great meeting meeting so many wonderful people! 

With everyone's generosity and help we were able to raise $1,103!!!! 

Check out the pictures from the event:

closed for a private event!

all set up

team in training 

information board

our lovely hostess and wine enthusiast  

our host and cook whose filet was so delicious that it "ruined steak" (in a good way) according to Megan 

ready for some wine

Warning: the next few photo's are of half eaten dishes. I was so memorized by the food that I kept forgetting to take pictures of the plates when they came out...oops.
First course: meat and cheese plate

Second course: fresh pasta with truffle oil

Third course: polenta with tomato sauce 

Fourth course: filet mignon

working his magic

getting their wine on

what a good looking couple!

Liz enjoying the deliciousness 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

shut your corn hole!

The corn hole tournament was a success. We had 11 teams participate and raised $500!

A major thank you to Megan from Buckhead Saloon. This event couldn't have happened without her. She was very accommodating and  put together some awesome prizes for 1st and 2nd place. 

A shout out to Amie P. for having her work sponsor teams for the event - great thinking, lady!  

Thank you to Stephanie S. and Stefanie T. for helping with the event and thank you to those who came out to support my cause. You guys are awesome!

cutthroat competition 

check out that form!


the final two

the champions!

thumbs up corn hole!

corn hole, nachos, friends...the good life

Penn Stater's represent 

Derek J. manages a smile after a devastating loss

yay corn hole!

corn hole brings the girls to the yard 

the end.

Monday, June 11, 2012

get your wine on

Check out this upcoming fundraising event that I'm hosting for the Leukemia & Lymphoma society. It involves food AND wine! A full stomach and a nice buzz - what more could you ask for? The only thing that would make this event better is if it involved a baby unicorn (unfortunately, we couldn't find one on such short notice). 

Event: The Art of Food and Wine
When: June 24th
Where: The Naked Grape (515 Broad Street Sewickley, PA 15143)
Time: 3PM
Cost: $40 in advance, $45 at the door
Event includes: four courses of unique wine and food pairings
Why: Why not? You're drinking and eating for charity!

We do have a limited amount of tickets to this event so be sure to get yours today! For tickets email: funforcharity1@gmail.com.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

ten percent

People, as of yesterday over $1,000 has been donated! I am 10% of the way there. Thank you to those who have helped me get this far. I am so grateful! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

corn hole tourney

People, my first fundraising event is coming up! I am hosting a corn hole tournament at Buckhead Saloon (located in Station Square). It's on a Friday (June 22nd) and there are awesome drink specials! It's $30 for a team and if you haven't registered yet you should! Spots are filling up fast.

Rule # 76: No excuses. Play like a champion! 

Email funforcharity1@gmail.com to pre-register your team.

Monday, June 4, 2012

save the cans!

Cans for Cancer! is off to a great start! 

This past weekend my friends and I tailgated for the Lady Antebellum concert. After we set up I walked around the parking lot and passed out bags to neighboring tailgates.  People were very open to the fundraiser and every tailgate (except for one) saved their cans.

Our awesome tailgate neighbors who love recycling!

End of the night: look at all of those cans! 

Also, my awesome friend in Erie, PA cashed in her stash of cans this past weekend and got $17 for them! I have a feeling that this fundraiser is going to be quite successful. Keep up the good work and keep up the drinking! 

Be sure to send me picture updates of your can (or bottle) saving progress to post. Don't worry, we won't judge :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

yes you can!

People, I had a brilliant idea yesterday! Ok, brilliant might be an exaggeration but I promise that it’s a good one.

What is this brilliant idea you ask? Cans for Cancer!

Cans for Cancer is a way that everyone can help fight cancer without spending any money. Bonus: you also help the environment! Now that's what I call a win-win situation!

Here are the deets: I will be collecting aluminum cans (beer, pop, etc.) from June through September.  At the end of September I will take the collected cans to a scrap yard and donate the profits to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. 

I told you it was a great idea!

Over the next few months there will be numerous parties, tailgates and lots of drinking! I ask that you save the aluminum cans that you come across while indulging in the summer fun. If you need bags for the cans I can provide you with blue recycling bags and I can pick up the cans (if you’re within reasonable driving distance). If you’re not close to the Pittsburgh area or live out of state you can still participate. Simply cash in the cans you collect (or bottles if you’re in a state that refunds them) and send me a check for the amount. Yay everyone can participate!

So go ahead and indulge this summer. After all it’s for a good cause!