Monday, June 4, 2012

save the cans!

Cans for Cancer! is off to a great start! 

This past weekend my friends and I tailgated for the Lady Antebellum concert. After we set up I walked around the parking lot and passed out bags to neighboring tailgates.  People were very open to the fundraiser and every tailgate (except for one) saved their cans.

Our awesome tailgate neighbors who love recycling!

End of the night: look at all of those cans! 

Also, my awesome friend in Erie, PA cashed in her stash of cans this past weekend and got $17 for them! I have a feeling that this fundraiser is going to be quite successful. Keep up the good work and keep up the drinking! 

Be sure to send me picture updates of your can (or bottle) saving progress to post. Don't worry, we won't judge :)

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